Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wascally Wabbit

A few months ago the F's were taking care of Hobbes while we were gone. When we got back, we heard of how he found my uncle's rabbit face that he used for tying flies, and ate it. So for Christmas, we decided Hobbes would buy him a new one. My mom went and bought another rabbit face and hid it in her closet with many of her other gifts. When I heard of this, I wrote up a note "from" Hobbes to go with it. "I sowee i et your rabit. i be beter next time. i relly am nice. i just stoopid." I wrote it with my left hand and drew a paw print as a signature. We all got a kick out of it and couldn't wait to give it to my uncle.

One night we were having our weekly family game night. Afterward, my dad started wrestling with us. I started to call Hobbes, because he barks at us when we fight and gets mad. It's really funny! When he didn't come, I went looking for him. I found him in the hallway, chewing on something. As I came closer, I saw what it was.

The new rabbit face.

He snuck into my mom's closet, chewed through the plastic bag, and was happily gnawing on a rabbit ear.

Apparently he wasn't that sorry.

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