Friday, January 29, 2010

My Super Fun Night, Part 2

After church, we went to the B's house because Josh and Joel had been there earlier. When out with the sheep with Charlie, they saw that one of them was about to give birth. So we went to go see the babies, or maybe even the birth! When we got there, the two lambs, girls, were just minutes old. We got to see them both stand up for the first time. They were so cute and tiny! But then the momma lay down again. We thought she was having another one, but it was just the after birth. But! Then we saw a white nose stick out! It was a triplet! It was so cool! Here are videos of it. :)

Birth: a leetle bit nasty…she licks all the stuff off of him…I wouldn’t eat while watching. :)



Mrs said...

How sweet is that? Love those newborn noises, but especially loved hearing the voices of my dear friends!

Anonymous said...

Cool! They are adorable! I love how they wag their tails!

Bekah R.