Friday, November 7, 2008

A Dissapointment

Today Mom, Josh, and I took a shopping trip to Kohl's. There, I found the cutest pair of sneakers I have ever seen. And in the clearance section! And in my size! They were only $14, and they were Converse, which usually go for around $40! Unfortunately, my mom was buying me shoes for church, so we couldn't get them. I know this may sound silly, but I prayed to God for some way for me to be able to get those shoes. I really liked them! Then my mom saw another pair, not my size, for $10.50. My mom said that maybe we could get the ones in my size for $10.50 if we took the other pair to the checkout and showed the checkout person. I was so happy! I thanked God so much.

When we got to the checkout, the lady started ringing up the items. She came to the shoes we were buying for Josh and opened them. She explained that she was making sure there was a left and a right shoe and that they were the same size. When she came to mine, she found that one shoe was a size 3 and one was 4. We went back to the section where we got them to see if we could find the other shoe, but we couldn't.

On the way home, I was wondering why God would get my hopes up like that only to dash them. My mom told me that it wasn't a punishment, and God wasn't just trying to find a way to throw me off. She said that this was probably just one of those things in life. God was probably watching to see my reaction, though. To see if I was going to have a bad attitude, or just accept it and move on.

Although this was a disappointment, I learned something. Has anything like this ever happened to you?


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you! It's always tough to be disappointed. I know, I've been there...sometimes with good attitudes and sometimes with bad ones :-). Love you!

Mrs said...

Does it ever happen to me? Sha! Only all the time!

I remember in 1995 I wrote in my journal, "I feel like I'm moving out of state. I hope it's anywhere but Florida." :-D

Kudos for deciding to trust God, even in a pair of shoes!

Catenc: The study of felines and the economy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, many times, and too many times I know it's just life, but I forget the part about God watching my reaction until it's a lot later. It's easy to know that belonging to God is the most valuable, fantastic thing and it's another thing to act like it when my eyes are on something else. It's a big thing to learn...and I never quite stop needing to learn it. someday, somewhere else. Love you! and thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

waaait a minute. Did you say size 3 and 4 in a sneaker?????? girl!!! I wear a size 2 1/2 kids. You can't be wearing something bigger than I do!! no waay! (was the 4 too big? Auntie has had to stuff cotton in one shoe all her life...)

Anonymous said...

You'll never guess who wrote this!:-D

Raquel said...

GrL- I am between 2 and 3, but they don't have a 2 1/2. Yes, I am growing!

Joel- enought about cheese.

Anonymous said...

Been there many times - usually when I'm centered on what I want and trying to convince God that it's what He wants for me too! Sometimes I've passed the test with flying colors and other times - well lets just say God's grace is amazing. ;0) And if I think I've "arrived" I seem to find myself in God's School of Remedial Learning! :0)

I'm proud of you and so thankful for the work God is doing in your life!