Sunday, June 1, 2008

Table Conversations...

Today at the dinner table, there were some pretty interesting conversations going on.

Joel- Dad, can eat the rest with my hands? (referring to chicken he had to pull off of the bone)


Dad- Um, yeah.


Dad- I had to look up when you said that because I thought you said "Can I eat the rice with my hands." I thought that sounded pretty weird, so I had to look up to see what the heck you were talking about. Then I saw you didn't have any rice, and I was very confused. But then I saw you were holding a chicken bone, so it finally occured to me that you said rest, not rice. That's why I paused.

Mom- All of that went through your head in a second?

Dad- Yup.


Dad- Well, Josh and I played outside today.

Rachel- Oh yeah- Josh, were you throwing golf balls at the skylights?

Dad- No, he was throwing tennis balls.

Rachel- Oh. Josh, were you throwing tennis balls at the skylights?

Josh- Didn't Dad just answer your question?

Rachel- So that's what the thumping was.

Dad- We were having fun until Josh MAIMED me.

(Laughs from all kids)

Rachel- (in between laughs) What did YOU do?

Dad- Nothing! I was just minding my own business, and he MAIMED me!

(more laughs)

Rachel- Josh, what did he do?

Dad- Nothing!!! I was just standing there! Then he threw the ball at me like a maniac! (Josh is laughing so hard he begins to drool) Look at him! He's a maniac!!!

Mom- Josh, here, use a napkin.

(It took us about 2 minutes to stop laughing hysterically.)

Josh- Dad, don't make me laugh while I'm drinking!


Josh- You know, some people say "Yay big." (guesturing)

Rachel- That was random.

Dad- Yeah Josh, that was really random.


True story, I tell you! You never know what will go on at the dinner table at the L house...

Up next: The Space Shuttle! (with pictures!)


Mrs said...

I think my family has forbidden me from posting conversations. Still, they're pretty fun, aren't they?

Acacia said...


Raquel said...

Hey Acacia- sorry about the deleted comment. I didn't do it, but I can't get it back. you can post it again, don't worry. I don't know why it was deleted.

Anonymous said...

We have some pretty interesting conversations too.

Acacia said...

I deleted it don't worry :)

Raquel said...

oh okay!

Anonymous said...

Did you see the space shuttle go up??? did you watch it from your house??? funny conversation!!!!!

Bekah R.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify Rachel...Josh maimed me with his golf club, not by throwing a ball. He hit a nice tee shot (plastic golf ball) in the front yard, and then started swinging his club around like he was being attacked by hoodlums! I tried to get out of the way, but took a direct hit on one of my fingers. I was not pleased...not pleased at all.

Anonymous said...

how fun!
