Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Noisy Brothers

Hello Everyone!

I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time, so TADA!!! Here it is!

I am almost done with Christmas shopping. I finally earned enough money to buy gifts for family and friends, and let me tell you, I have a lot of friends! But just two more gifts and I'll be done. Whew!

I CAN'T WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!! I love this time of year. Everyone comes here, so I get to be home for Christmas with my friends. Unfortunately, I am not in my room for Christmas. I have to sleep in my parents' room, and on Christmas Eve, sleeping in the same room with two brothers who won't stop talking plus the anticipation of the next day makes it EXTREMELY hard to sleep. :-)


Florida Fowlers said...

Great job Rachel. I'll look forward to checking in regularly.
g-ma fowler

Mrs said...

Himself and I used to have to wake the kids UP on Christmas morning. Now, they're stomping around upstairs before the sun comes up, just to wake us up!

Love the way your blog looks!

Acacia said...

cool! your blog is really cool!
Christmas is soon and i cant wait!!!
your friend, sparkle

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel awesome blog. Really glad that I can now know what's up. I have to do the same thing except with one bossy sister and an annoying little sister. Again, I LOVE your blog