One of Josh and Joel's favorite things to do was play chess, and Luke liked to watch them.
Joel: So that's your move, eh? Well...
Josh: Um, OK. Thanks for your queen.
Joel: WHAT?? III mean, uh, *coughcough* well, uh, you're welcome, I guess. *cough* (darn!)
We also went to the train station.
And here Luke and Ashley are waiting patiently to eat cake.
This is my 14th cousin 17 times removed, Ariel. (Not really, I just have no idea how we are related.)
For dinner once, we went to Ed Debevic's in Chicago. That is a restaurant famous for being rude.(or should I say INfamous?
Infamous is when you're MORE than famous.)
(Name that movie.)
This is my 101 year old great-grand-aunt, AKA Auntie.