Monday, September 6, 2010

Taking Care of the Bull

(All these pictures are fine, don’t worry! :D)

When my dad was arranging with Mr. A when we were going to come, Mr. A told us about their bull that needed to be castrated. He asked if he should wait until we arrived to do it.

Oh yes, my dad said. We would very much like to be there for that. :D


Well, on Saturday, it was time to do it. there he is. He's just a little guy.

First, Mr. A had to rope him.

DSCN0205 Ta da!

Next, Josh and Isaac held him against the fence, while Mr. A roped him up some more.

The purpose of this was to rope him so that when he was let go, if you pulled on the rope, it would make him fall over.


The bull really doesn’t like being roped. As you can see from the following picture, he ended up in a different place than where he was in the video. He had jumped up a LOT more times, and Mr. A had to bolt.


Then, you do the job, and hope you don’t get kicked in the face.

1 comment:

Joel said...

You made it sound like it was so easy and quick and not frightening at all.