Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The W’s Come to TN!

In March, the W’s came to TN to see their son in Nashville, and then they came and stayed with us for a few days! Glenna and I had so much fun together! They arrived Wednesday afternoon, and we went to youth group. Thursday morning, we went up in the forest to explore, but were attacked by the neighbor dogs. That was no fun! There wasn’t any serious harm done, but Glenna got quite a few bites on her legs and arms. I only got one little scratch on my elbow.

Later that day, we went to see the (other) W’s, who were staying at their property for spring break.

025 026 Bekah is a great navigator.

027 She liked this hole.

028 We all followed in her navigating ways.

029 I look like I’m dancing. ;)

030 Bekah chose this cave for us to stay in for the night.

031 034 Don’t do it Bekah! We love you!

038 Look! It’s Bentley! Bentley is Bekah dog. :)

039 043 It took us a lot of tries to get this picture right. :)

047 049 When walked all the way up to their cabin, which was next to a clearing. Behind the cabin was the outdoor bathroom.

050 I really have no idea why this was out there! It was a bit strange!

051 Bekah decided to open the toilet. Yeah, that’s a good idea.

052 053 054 It really didn’t stink, but this was just in case. :D

055 The sink.

056 This was the cabin. We thought that our dads, who were already at the cabin, had the key, but they didn’t. We were so close to getting in. the door could even partly open, but it had a lock on it.

057 There was an outhouse next to the cabin. It was the real bathroom. :D

058 You had to walk up stone steps to get to it.

059 Bekah had to go in that to, of course.

060 061 062 064 When we came out of the bathroom, Glenna told us about this ancient Indian relic she found.

065 Bekah asked me to take a picture of her under this tree. She really shouldn’t have.


See her wet clothes? I shook the tree.

072There were a lot of interesting things in the leaves.

067 069 I have absolutely no idea what this is. I think Glenna decided it was a stove the cowboys used.

070 071 On the other side of the clearing were more interesting things. 074 075 Bekah and I went a little ways down the path on this side of the clearing, and when we came back we found Glenna standing like this.

076 “This is an ancient tree from the time of the Cavemen.”

Thankfully, Tim and Mr. W had driven up while we were there, so we didn’t have to walk all the way down! "(It really is a long hike!)

077 Oh yeah. I’ve always wanted to ride in the back of a pickup.

078 There were chainsaws back there too. Bekah almost lost a leg. (Is it just me, or does she look EXACTLY like Shannon in this picture??)


081 084 We had to keep ducking because the tree branches were attacking us.

085 087 They went gangsta.

091 I’ll post about the other part of the W’s stay soon.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Wow! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I wish i could visit you guys!


Your Favorite Brother, Josh! said...

so thats what i missed when i decided to stay home that day. looks like the only part i would have liked would have been the pickup ride back down

p.s. the word verifaction word was: sopyowkr