Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Rental Land

My dad wanted me to post some pictures of the land around our rental house. Unfortunately, most of those glorious colors are gone now.

The view from my room.

Sorry it's crooked, but look at that orange!!


Mrs said...

I am so thankful the Lord moved you exactly when He did. You were allowed to enjoy that beauty at just the right time, and now you'll look at those bare branches and remember their splendor. Can you imagine how you'd all feel if you moved there in time for ugly, naked trees?

PS I ended up taking my sweater off today. The AC clicked on, too. Sigh.

bustran = a piece of sculpted art that ran away from the artist.

Natalie said...

It's beautiful!!!! Enjoy the beauty for us!

joel said...

man, i wish that the leaves were still there. i didnt realize how pretty they were.

Unknown said...

So beautiful!
I got to see some glimpses of fall when I went to Nashville. Just lovely!