Monday, February 23, 2009

Just So You Know...

...I really, really, really, don't like learning Spanish.

Just thought I'd let you all know that.


Anonymous said...

how fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mrs said...

Pero espanol is una lingua bonita!

extess - someone no longer named Tess.

Mrs said...

Hey Raquel! Mrs. Voskamp did another post about her journal; at the bottom she has several journal links.

How is yours coming along?

How would you like to make one for me? I'd happily buy it! Let me know and I'll pick up the size I want, and you can do the decorating.

bribl - a Cubbie pronunciation of Bible

grammaL said...

Qué lástima, chica!

Raquel said...

Si, pero es muy dificil!

Unknown said...

You should learn Japanese like I did...

Unknown said...

On second thought, you should learn Spanish, so you can talk to the kids at the brickyard one day. My Japanese really didn't come in handy in Mexico.

grammaL said...

bueno, cuál parte de tus lecciones es lo mas difícil?

Es difícil para mí hablar correctamente sin pensar mucho. yo tenía que interpretar hace como un mes, y muchas veces hablé en error, pero en el fin, me entendieron.

the highlight of the whole thing was at the end when I said something I meant to be funny and they laughed. whew.

But remember Rome wasn't built in a day and it will take some patience on your part. anything I can help with?

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're learning Spanish?! That is great! Have a great Friday!

bessemi: the tradition of eating sea sponges