Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A few weeks ago we traveled to St. Petersburg to celebrate Thanksgiving with my Mom's parents and aunt and uncle. On Thanksgiving day, we went over to my Aunt Betty and Uncle Tom's house.

First, we made our traditional placemats while the adults finished preparing the meal.

Also, while we waited, we were able to have some fun trying to crack nuts open. It was very difficult, and most of the time we kids needed help from Dad. :-)

Here is the beautifully set table...

Suddenly, food began to appear on it!

Oh, how I love green bean casserole. Mmmmm. Yummy. Oh yeah.

Ahem. Sorry.

And then, FINALLY, it was time to eat!

After dinner, we had delicious pies.

And, of course, took some family pictures.

Up next:

The Thanksgiving Weirdo.

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