Monday, August 17, 2009

Today... the first day of school.

My first day of high school.

Yeah. Whoa.

Joel's first day of home schooling.

Josh's... first day of 7th grade? :-)


Mom said...

It's my first day of teaching ALL 3 of my children! What an honor :-). Here's to a great year!

Unknown said...

Congrats, Rachel!
High school was super fun - take advantage of it! It goes by too fast!

Glenna W. said...

Some things are just to weird in life. I mean Josh can NOT be a seventh grader! I was just in seventh grade! THAT DOESN'T WORK!

agable said...

That's so exciting Rachel! I start getting excited every year when I see all the fun school supplies for sale. Maybe that's why I'm a teacher. I just love new school supplies :)