Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hello people. I have a few things to say.

First of all, only 8 more days of school! Yay!

This summer will either be jam-packed if our house sells, or boring if it doesn't. I expect to spend half of it wishing we had a pool and wishing my friends in this neighborhood liked to swim more.
They HAVE pools, and they don't swim in them.

This I will never understand.

Do you have a pool? Can I come and swim in it? Please? I promise to be good!

So what do you do if it is desperately hot outside, you don't have a pool, and you only have three balloons?

Why, you have a SQUIRT water fight! You fill up a balloon with water, but you don't tie it off. Then you squirt it at your siblings! Ha ha ha!

You still get pretty wet.

Please ignore the Josh face.

Finally, I leave you with this:

Ty better get kicked off tonight.

Thank you.


Acacia said...

Theres always the sprinkler! :)

Raquel said...

Yup, sprinkler works too!

Anonymous said...

You can swim at my pool, Rachel. The only problem is, you don't know me! And you never will, either! I'll carry this secret to the grave! I'll haunt your dreams! MUA,HA,HA,HA,HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raquel said...

Joel, I didn't know you have a pool. :-)

Anonymous said...

That was fun. Really fun. RRREEAALLYY fun. I was soaked

cheese is good. said...