Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Animal Picture Day!

All of the following pictures (except for the horse one, taken by the Pioneer Woman) were taken by our family on our three-week vacation last summer. Enjoy!

Nasty creatures, aren't they?

These were what I had been hoping to see the whole trip, and the first was seen the day before we had to go home. Hooray for mooses!

These rabbits were everywhere at Independence Rock, which we climbed.

One lone antelope.

Holy Cannoli! This is a great pic. I have it for my desktop background.

This was a mamma and cub grizzly bear. Look at the little cutie, standing up!

I love this one.

This was one of our first grizzlies.

We think it was mating season for the bison.

Once, much traffic was caused by 56 mountain sheep, if Josh counted correctly.

Look at the little one!

Wow. Big horns. They say, "stay back."

This little mountain goat came right up to us.

I call this deer, "Jumping kangadeer"

This is what greeted us at the top of a mountain.

Here is my momma's bear. This was a big one, right by the road!

Whoa! Hello!

Here is my bear, the first one of the trip! (When I say it was mine, I just mean that I was the one who spotted it.)

Hello, Mr. Elk.

These little chipmunks came and ate out of our hands!

Thank you, God, for creating all of these wonderful creatures for us to see and enjoy!


Mrs said...

How I miss seeing chipmunks! They were our constant companions, growing up in California. I like them so much better than squirrels for some reason.

Great pictures! Did you know PW now has a feature where you can legally print out photos from her? I want to print some for Glen's room.

Anonymous said...

yeah i saw that but we don't have a color printer :-(

I love the one she took that has a white horse's eye, but it never shows up when i try to put it on my blog, or for my desktop. i guess it is copyrighted or something.

Anonymous said...

aw..! the animals are so cute!!!!!!