I know we have all seen pictures of Mollie before, but I had never actually met her! When we went up to NC on spring break, I finally got to see her for myself!
This is the quilt that I made for her. Her mommy loved it!
I was so happy that I got to feed her. By the end of our trip, I could make her bottle, feed her, and change her diaper.
Oh, and you may remember that she is famous for her faces. Well, you'll see a lot of them in this post.
That's her daddy.
She loved this swing. Every time we put her in it, she fell asleep.
I'll spare you the details on this one.
On Josh's birthday, it snowed! He was very excited.
And of course, there were snowmen to be made...
...presents to be opened...
...and babies to be fed.
...and burped.
Yay! More faces!
Asleep on mommy.
This is my favorite video. I think my dad misses football season.
Of course, we couldn't stay in NC without a trip to the Blue Ridge.
And we found more snow there! Someone had made a snowman, but Josh kicked it over before I could take a picture of it.
The boys quickly found a rock wall to climb on.
Hey- I wonder what that sign says?
No kidding. Huh. Wonder how they missed that.
Later we came across this gigantic waterfall!
Okay, maybe not.
Maybe it was just a little creek.
Then we went on to one of our favorite spots. There is a wide river there with lots of rocks.
There are also two German shepherds. We named the first Mittens because she doesn't really live up to her German shepherd...ness. She likes to pick up big rocks in her teeth, lick them for a while, and then bury them. She has done that every time we have seen her.
This is Mittens.
This is Gloves. We didn't see her the first time we went, but the last time and this time she was there. She stayed in the same spot the whole time we were there, but Mittens followed us everywhere.
As soon as we walked up to Gloves, she flopped over for a belly rub.
Our favorite thing to do here is have a contest to see who can make it to this rock first. It is near the middle of the river, and the water is only about knee deep in most places. However, this water is FREEZING!
At first none of us would go, but then Mittens hopped in, picked up a rock, and walked right through the water to it. Then she came back and shook water on to us. She was taunting us, I tell you!
In the end, I emerged triumphant. In fact, I haven't lost yet.
The boys, of course, quickly followed.
C'mon guys! Just keep moving and eventually your feet will be numb!
Ahhh! It's cold! Just keep moving, just keep moving...
And then we came back to this. Hooray!
This was my favorite outfit on Mollie. She looks like Piglet!
On the way home, we stopped at some friends' house in Atlanta. That night, it hailed!
It was really scary! There was a tornado warning in the county that we were in!
It was hard to come home after being with my cute little cousin and my aunt and uncle, but we
get to see them again in May.
Well, TTFN! Tah tah for now!